Please print out and fax this form to 704-843-7556.

Or, you can mail the form to:

Queen's Cup Steeplechase
P.O. Box 70
Mineral Springs, NC 28108-0070

Fields marked with * are required
*Home Phone:
( ) - -
*Work Phone:
( ) - -
Cell Phone:
( ) - -
Please contact me regarding:
Pre Race Volunteers:
Steeplechase Office Assistant (Pre-Race Ticket Sales, etc.)
Program Ad Sales for the benefit of your charities
Pre-Race Publicity
Race Course and Grounds Assistant
Race Day Opportunities:
Traffic Odd Jobs
Parking Information Booth
Pedestrian Crossing Guards Will Call Assistant
Souvenir and Concession Sales Volunteer Tent Assistant
Race Program Hand-out and Sales Tailgate Contest Judge
Raffle Ticket Sales for the benefit of our charities Hot Walk Party Setup and Ticket Sales
Pre-Race Festivities Committee Patrol Judge Driver
Ushers Banner Patrol